Demand for secure, fast and expansive international data transmission capacity continues to grow.
At the same time, many existing trans-ocean fiber optic systems are reaching the end of their design lives of about 25 years. And these legacy systems are not capable of using advances in transmission equipment that have expanded the carrying capacity of a fiber pair from the 4 to 5 Tbps possible when the cables were first installed, to 20-40 Tbps now. [3]Now seasonally ice-free passages through Arctic seas make shorter, lower-latency and highly robust fiber optic routes available to diversely link northern telecom hubs and cable infrastructure.
[1] Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Trends, 2017–2022. November 26, 2018
[2] Latest break throughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) will exponentially drive demand for data transmission throughput and speed. Asian markets are projected to outpace Silicone valley in the next 5-10 years in demand for AI data.
[3] Latency and the speed to financial markets, ten years ago, one estimate put the value of each millisecond of latency in high-frequency financial trading at over $100 million revenue per year.